No sense in worrying about that now- time to get out and play!
My friend Cody called the other day- "Wanna ride?" "Duh." " Texas Creek?" "See you tomorrow!"
Texas Creek OHV area is often clear of snow in the's a series of canyons opening to the south, soaking up the plentiful sun. I'm in love with the diversity of the area- up high it's spruce and pines; down low, cholla and yuccas. I've seen Roadrunners, Tarantalas, and ringtail cats in those canyons- a bit of the southwest deserts here at home. I've ridden dirtbikes there in the winter before, but this day was pretty amazing. We were able to get to the highest areas, and only found snow in the shade.

The weather was warm and sunny... just the way I like it!

Near the top of Table Mountain, you can see the curvature of the earth. Fantastic views.